Hohooo darlinks :) Selamat hari pekerja semua. Sebenarnye waktu update entry ni mata dh super ngantuk.
Tp demi memenuhkn post2 d blog ini dan utk tatapan pembace belog sy,so sy tahan jugak mate bcz nk
update skit for u all..btw nk ucap terima kasih kpd yg sudi bace belog yg tdk seberapa ini :)
Terima kasih daun keladi.Lain kali rajin2 bace belog i lg okiess.hehe.
ok,back to the topic.The reason i banje en fb for dinner treat smlm bcz, i ask him utk hantar i ke bank islam utk bayar yuran konvo + ke library uitm shah alam nk byr denda perpustakaan RM55.
Kalu x byr denda nih x ley konvo okeeh!. But the best thing too,i dapat my first gaji jugak..wehooo!
so,d sbbkn en fb sy sgt baek hati selama ini mmbelanja saya setiap kali keluar mkn,kali nie i lak berhajat nk banje die.So he choose Ole-Ole Bali at Empire Shoping Mall, Subang. Not so dinnerlh. Sbb smlm byr2 yuran+g library saje abis dlm kul 5. Mkn tgh hari pun x sempat.So nie kirenye luchie+dinner~ing lh..hehe.
So jum layan piccas.
Muke en fb yg super lapaa. Okeeh die order chic N lamb griled..wooarghh..sodap! tp malangnye x dpt nk upload piccas. Sbb my hp super bodo,masuk virus so file corrupted.So layan je lh gmbr mane yg ade.
Me with chic N chips.Seriously super sedap! everytime dtg sini always order yg nih.hehe.en fb kate x variety langsung ;p
Dh abish mkn pun posing yg same.haishh.mmg x variety lh cik zacko nih ;p
Time mintak bil tu,adik waitress tu anta tgn nih beserta bil skali,ak cm nk pengsan jap sbb tgn die mmg meminta duit!haha ;D btw its cool..(poyo,sbnrnye pengsan tgk bil) isk isk.kedeks.
So afta byr2+gurau senda ngan en bf.So i request one thing b4 balik. Sbb kalu dtg sini kirenye wajib kene
beli benda tu. Ape benda yg wajib tu? Tadaaaaaa.Red Velvet Cake from Whisk Cafe. Wooo.kt sini mmg
the best eva red velvet cake yg i pernah rase. B4 this i ade wat entry red velvet by a slice of haven kn.
Tp yg nih mmg lg super sedap.Sgt rugi kalu dtg x beli cake nih. Tp skang slalu abis :( tp nasib baik smlm
ade lagi sebijik yg baru utk i..hehe.lucky me.
Smlm i try another one cake Butterscotch CreamCheese.Pun Super sedap. haishhh, x tau nk discribe cm ne sedap die.Haaaa..mcm home made cake mat salleh.Sedap kn ;p Tp kek butterscotch nih dlm die ade kismis
kismis skit + cream cheese die yg manis2 tp masin.auwwww..sodap! Kalu red velvet die lak yg
paling i suke is the taste of the manis2+creamcheese yg manis masin.huhu..gomokss cm nih ari2.
Should try ok kalu dtg sini :)